I really do not know what is more powerful than a praying mama. They have the power to crush hell, release Heaven, and literally change nations and generations to come.
I would not be who I am today if it weren’t for my mother’s bold prayers for me. And she wouldn’t be who she was if it wasn’t for her mother’s bold prayers. One day in Heaven I will get to see how my mom’s prayer’s impacted my life, and I look forward to that day. Till then, by faith, I know that having a praying mother is the greatest weapon any human can have on their side.
One of my favorite historic examples of the power of a praying mother is the story of John Newton, the songwriter of one of the most famous hymns Amazing Grace.
John Newton’s mother died before he was seven years old, but during her lifetime she taught him the Word of God and prayed for him to be a minister of the Gospel. Every day she would pray for him and he saw the godly example of her life.
Fast forward to his adult life, he was living a godless life and worked on a boat, and became a slave trader. He even fully stopped believing in God and made fun of Christians.
One day there was a horrific storm that terrified him. He prayed for God to have mercy on him and as he did, the peace of God filled his soul and the storm passed.
This encounter with the Lord inspired him to write the hymn Amazing Grace.
Shortly after he became a Christian end eventually left slave trading and became not just a preacher of the Gospel but also helped speak against the slave trade in England.
I think about that story with great hope that even if mothers see their children living a godless life, their prayers are so powerful they can help bring them back on course.
So what are some of the most powerful things a mother can pray for their children?
- Salvation
Nothing is more important than the salvation of your child’s soul. They could have health, an amazing spouse, or money, but if they don’t have Christ as their Savior nothing else will matter or last.
As a mother, it is not only important but it is your job to pray for the salvation of your child. Doing so is the strongest prayer you could possibly pray for them. Pray it with confidence that it is God’s will to save them and He already paid the price for them on the Cross.
“Father, I thank you for the salvation of _____. Lord, lead them closer to you. Keep the enemy away from them so that they can receive all You have for them. I pray Lord that their soul belongs to You and not the enemy in Jesus name.“ - Protection
The protection prayers of a mother release angelic help and thwart the plans of the enemy. My mom would always pray for my safety whenever I left the house and boy, I’m sure that kept me from so many accidents and issues.
“Father, I pray the Blood of Jesus over ______. Cover them, protect them, and send angels on assignment to stand guard of them. Keep them shielded from sickness, disease, accidents, and evil in Jesus’ name.” - Godly Relationships
One of the earliest things that have been on my heart to pray for my future children and my baby girl inside me now is for them to have a godly spouse. As mothers, it’s our job to make sure when their young they have good friendships and we shield them from the wrong people. But as they grow, we must continue to pray for their relationships to be godly and good.
“Father, I pray for the people around _______. Have good, godly influences around them. Keep ungodly people from influencing them and only allow the people You want in their life to be in there.” - Wisdom and Godliness
Wisdom and godliness are the most precious thing we can have outside of salvation, but really they go hand-in-hand. Wisdom equips us to make good choices, to fear God, to live morally, and to stay on the right path. Godliness is them walking in applied wisdom. As mothers, our prayers for our children to have wisdom and walk in godliness can help influence the course of our children’s lives when they are older and making their own choices.
“Lord, give _____ wisdom to make good choices. Equip them to live a godly life, choosing Your way’s over the world’s ways. Do not let them get deceived by satan but strengthen them in godliness to be strong in You.” - Blessings
This one is always fun. As mothers, we get to pray for showers of blessings on our children. Every good gift comes from God, we can pray in confidence that God wants to bless our children. Of course, we can ask for specific things as needed, but even general prayers of blessings over their home, work, and anything else is powerful.
“Lord, bless _____. Let them walk in favor and see Your goodness in their life. Let blessings follow them everywhere they go.”
There are many other powerful things mothers could pray for their children. There are some wonderful books out there on this topic. One is Power of a Praying Mother by Stormie O’Martin. I love buying books on prayer because often times they are filled with testimonies that helped build our faith.
Here is a picture from I believe Kevin Cardon Photography showing in artform the power of prayer. I believe our prayers might look something like that in the spirit realm.

I pray this blesses you and helps you pray in confidence for your children!
Happy Mother’s Day!